Saturday, September 6, 2014

Underground Designer’s Desires, Maxime Cossoguy Drowning In My Sleep

Underground Designer’s Desires, Maxime Cossoguy Drowning In My Sleep
The underground designer whose work has been worn by celebrities throughout the world may only have the desire to simply designs, void of any fame.
Frequently nowadays much people in the entertainment industry are in it for the fame but Maxime Cossoguy seems to want the opposite. He claims to want to design and not even care about the known and famous folks who wear his creations.

New York is a pretty cool place to be from said the designer. I am happiest here because for the most part people are real. They will not hesitate to let you have it no matter who you might be. I have the same attitude towards designing my cloths. I care not who you are, if you like my art, then support it by simply buying it.

The new collection has gotten a lot of publicity because of just that. In so many known cases where celebrities have called him or contacted his agent just in hopes of getting some free shits but Maxime always responded the same way. If they truly love the work let them buy it. This no care attitude is working for him so far, the long list includes the likes of: Kate Moss, Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian, Zoe Saldana, Mila Kunis, Nichole Richie, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Fergie of the black Ipeas, Vanessa Paradis,


Lenny Kravitz, Slash, Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Russell Brand, David Beckham and many more. By the way the designer never dropped these names. We had to research to finding them out ourselves; as he does not believe in publicizing his clients names. He believes great work is great work regardless of whom ever the clients may be.

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