Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sarah Burton fall 2014 RTW Men’s Alexander Mc. Queen Collection

The Fall 2014 collection is simply a breath of fresh air, an architectural achievement of gigantic proportion for Sarah. The suits and coats are all done with the highest level of difficulty possible and a couture touch second to none. Her punkish metallic edgy men’s vision is superb. The entire collection flows down the runway so smoothly and elegantly. Every single piece relates and is connected to one another. Removing a single style or changing a single color combination the entire structure would fall apart. It is nothing short of building a skyscraper or a bridge, all the pieces have to fit and fit exactly as envisioned and planned.

 The couture house of Alexander Mc. Queen has been saved and is well alive in the hands of Sarah Burton. This new menswear line is by far our favorite this season and the most beautifully engineered of them all. Great beautiful job by Sarah.

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